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The Cult Mystery
You’ve heard rumors about a group calling themselves “Eternal Light” operating in secret.
Some say they recruit friends online through chat rooms and private messages.
Others claim they use hidden message boards to coordinate meetups.
Could this be related to your missing friend?
Click around to explore the Chat Rooms or the Message Boards in the toolbar for more clues.
Local News (June 1997)
There have been reports of suspicious gatherings outside the old Redwood Barn. Residents claim they’ve seen robed figures at dusk.
Authorities remain skeptical. “Probably just kids playing pranks,” said one officer.
Meanwhile, some locals fear these nighttime rituals might be connected to unexplained disappearances.
Is Redwood Barn a clue to your friend’s whereabouts?
Conspiracy Corner
We dig deep into all conspiracies: UFOs, Men in Black, Secret Cults, Government Mind Control, and more!
Recent Forum Topic: “Eternal Light: Harmless or Brainwashing?”
A user named Mysterio claims to have hacked into their membership list—no proof posted, though.
Some users reported seeing references to Redwood Barn in “Eternal Light” chat transcripts...
Could Redwood Barn be important?
Friends’ Gossip Board
User: “Amy_ChatLuv” – “Hey guys, I tried messaging [Your Friend], but no response for days. Something’s up!”
User: “NerdAlert90” – “I heard [Your Friend] mention Redwood Barn and some ‘light ceremony.’ Kinda freaky.”
User: “XxBladeRunnerxX” – “I have a cousin who got recruited into that cult. They say they meet offline after a private chat. Watch out!”
It seems Redwood Barn is a recurring location. Maybe that’s where your friend has been taken...
Secret Easter Egg
You found a hidden page! This might be a complete red herring. Or is it?
Secret message: “Between the Redwood logs, the Eternal Light beams brightest.”